Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This Week's Guest of Honor

The winner of this week's Guest of Honor Lottery is none other than Mr. Stewart Bean! Mr. Bean's enthusiasm, zest for life, and ability to get selected by a random number generator has earned him a spot at the table for this week's Blog Dinner. While we're on the topic, there has been some confusion about how the Guest of Honor (GOH) is selected each week. Upon entering the lottery, the entering person's name is added to a spreadsheet; 2 days before the dinner, a name is selected using a random number generator and that number determines which person is selected as the GOH. "But why don't you just do it by who you want to go with?!" complain only girls (apparently guys are just fine with randomness, or don't express their feelings). In this way, we remove all emotion from the decision and everyone gets a completely fair shot. So rather than complain about how we don't use a subjective system, consider this: what if you're not as cool as option B? What if we haven't seen option C in a long time and want to catch up? What if option D is a really cute single girl (and yes we know you think you're cute, but what about compared to all of your friends who have entered?)? As you can see, this is the best method. It's science. Without further ado, Stew, here is your completely random photoshopped photo for winning the lottery this week. Love, Thurber.

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